Edmil store had more conversion rate with digital channels
        • Canais


          Use a seu favor o alto poder de alcance do SMS

          Inove com o novo padrão de mensagens do Google

          Amplie a eficiência de suas campanhas

          Esteja presente no aplicativo de mensagens mais popular


          O agente virtual de voz ideal para sua empresa

          Atendimento escalável em todos os canais

          Plataforma de governança e monitoramento

          Valide sua base com as operadoras e fale com seu cliente

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To inspire

Edmil Store had increased 70% in demand for payment and trading channels

In need of improving communication with their customers, the Edmil Store chain of stores found in Pontaltech what they were looking for to engage their audience and, consequently, generate greater revenue.

Contracted services



Marketing, billing and after-sales



Nexus Case da Pontaltech
“And what made us choose Pontaltech was their transparency conducting all processes. We were surprised by the service which, in addition to being agile, offers strategic insights for our actions. ”
Lívia Lourenção
Call center coordinator


The retail chain of Lojas Edmil, which operates in the State of Minas Gerais offering furniture, appliances and household items, needed to improve their communication via SMS, as the service they used took a long time to deliver their messages. As a result, the difficulty of creating well-defined flows for campaigns and actions has intensified more and more, mainly because of the restrictions imposed by the new coronavirus. In addition to having to deal with this difficulty, the retail chain faced yet another problem: locating their customers.


The implementation of Pontaltech’s SMS service was quick and without difficulties. The delayed delivery of messages problem was quickly resolved due to our technology, which in addition to ensuring fast delivery of messages, it also has the function of confirmation of receipt. With all the support from our team, we also started working on the issue of locating customers.


By using Pontaltech’s SMS service, the Lojas Edmil chain of stores was able to maintain a close relationship with their customers. The number of interactions that originated from sending SMS was significant, so much so that the company is studying new solutions to automate these conversations. The strategy of using SMS has been expanded to other areas of the company. Currently, this channel is used for collection, marketing and after-sales actions. The work to enrich the base was also a success. In addition to cleaning out-of-date contacts, our team helped to identify the characteristics and profile of consumers in order to segment the actions. As a result, credit recovery opportunities were also enhanced, and the demand for payment and negotiation channels increased by 70%.

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